
Red Rice Noodles

M.R.P 62.00

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Weight: 180 Grams
Ingredients: Refined Wheat Flour, Refined Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, & Salt
Taste Maker Ingredients: Turmeric, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Mixed Species, and Salt


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Preparation: Red Rice Noodles

  1. Take a pan and add 6 cups of water. Add suitable amount of salt and boil it.
  2. Add 2 teaspoon of oil & add Real Millet Rice Noodles. Boil it for 2 minutes.
  3. After getting cooled drain the water and a cup of cold water and drain it.
  4. Place  a pan on the stove and add 4 teaspoon of oil, 2 onions, 1 tomato, and vegetables (chopped). Mix 25gms of ginger garlic paste. Cook the content.
  5. Add 2 teaspoons of oil and Real Taste Maker mix  with the boiled red rice noodles. Add coriander leaves and serve.

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